Worship With Us

8am In person.
9:30am Watch Online or in person.

“Participants in this 4-week Bible study will look at selected Lectionary texts from 1 Corinthians and explore what it means for the church to live as Christ’s body in the world. Through reading Scripture, informed conversation and activities designed to engage many types of adult learners, participants will deepen their engagement with and understanding of Scripture.”

Have you ever wanted to explore the readings more than what Pastor Wayne provides in a sermon? Join others on either Mondays from 7:00-8:30PM or Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00AM in Conference Room 112 or by Zoom for this four-week study of the second lessons from 1 Corinthians read on Sundays between January 19 and February 9 as they relate to Christians being the Body of Christ.

The schedule and topics are as follows:

Feb 3/5Do we see ourselves as the gifted Body of Christ?1 Cor 12:1-11
Feb 10/12What is the gift of the Body of Christ?1 Cor 12:12-31
Feb 19/24How does the gift of love shape the Body of Christ?1 Cor 13:1-13
Feb 26/Mar 3Are we giving what we are given1 Cor 15:1-11

Participants are encouraged to use the Participant books that accompany the discussion and a donation of $10 will defray budgetary costs for Adult Faith Enrichment.