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Memorial Gift Board Providing Five $200 Camper Grants This Summer

“I had the best time of my life!” Those were Pastor Wayne and Kate’s daughter’s words after she attended church camp for the first time in the summer following fifth grade. Church camp isn’t just fun and games though. Studies show that for many adults their time at church camp played a significant role in their faith formation and confirmation of being a disciple of Christ. Over 90% of pastors claim to have attended church camp at least once in their youth!

On Sunday, April 21, at the 9:30 worship Helen Payanzo of Crossroads Camp and Outdoor Ministry will be at Our Savior to share the joy of our synod’s Lutheran-Episcopal camp in mountains of Port Murray NJ. She will be available to talk personally before and after worship in the narthex about camp as well as share a testimonial during worship as well. Pastor Wayne attended this camp (back when it was Camp Beisler) as a youth and remembers how impactful it was in his faith life and longs for the children and youth of Our Savior to experience the same.

To that end the Memorial Gift Board has approved five (5) $200 Camper Grants for the first five campers who sign up for a week of camp this summer. Camp can cost between $600-$990 so this Camper Grant can greatly impact a family’s ability to send a child to camp this summer. To find out more about Crossroads Camp go to their website at www.crossroadsretreat.com and check out the various camping options and amenities for this year’s summer camps in July and August and then ask Helen your questions on April 21.