- Acme or Shop-Rite Gift Cards
- Monetary Donations
- Canned fruit
- Oatmeal packets
- Cereal
- Paper Towels & TP
Pantry: Serving 12 Families: 37 people: 23 Adults, 10 Teens and 4 Children. Lynn Block
Pantry Thank Yous:
“When I think of you, the definition of empathy always comes to mind (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another). It is so very nice to be kindly understood and remembered each month with an abundance of essential supplies. Thanks for always softening my hard times with your generosity. Thank you so much for the extra help at Christmas. You made me feel like family. I was able to buy much needed warm clothing with the Walmart gift card and produce for soup, etc.”
“Just a little note to let all the very nice people at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior know how much I appreciate your kindness and generosity this Christmas and all year round. Wishing everyone a blessed, happy, healthy 2024.”