Worship With Us

8am In person.
9:00am Reflections Click to Join
9:30am Watch Online or in person.

Shirley Clinkscales, Our Savior’s nursery attendant for the past FORTY YEARS, may not be retiring but it’s about time the congregation acknowledged her faithful service for so many decades. On October 20 after worship there will be an Appreciation Breakfast at which time the congregation will be presenting her with both a physical and monetary gift made possible by contributions from current and former members. Please RSVP to Sandy DeDonatis for the breakfast. There is no charge, but we need to know how much food to have prepared. lcossandy@gmail.com.

The Memorial Gift Board voted unanimously to support and encourage generous giving toward Miss Shirley’s gift with a 2:1 matching support from Memorial Gift Funds. The Council and Memorial Gift Board hope members will take advantage of this generous offer as we share our appreciation for Miss Shirley’s care for worshippers’ infants and toddlers for two generations.