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Music Ministry at LCOS

Vocal Choirs

Cherub Vocal Choir

Children from 4 years old to 2nd or 3rd Grade. The Cherub Choir rehearses on Sunday at 10:45am-11:45am from September to May. The Cherubs sing once a month at the 9:30 Sunday Worship Service.

Tween Vocal Choir

Children from 3rd or 4th Grade to 6th Grade. Rehearsals are 45 minutes weekly. The Tween Vocal Choir sings once a month at the 9:30am Sunday Worship Service.

Youth Vocal Choir

7th Grade to 12th Grade. Rehearsals TBD.

Adult Vocal Choir

The Adult Vocal Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings, 8:00pm-9:30pm from September to mid-May. The Adult Vocal Choir sings at the 9:30am Sunday Worship Service and Holiday Worship Services as determined by the Director of Music as well as several concerts outside of the regular worship times.

LCOS Festival Choir

Festival Choir

This Festival Choir consists of the Adult Choir and anyone who wants to join us for a special performance, such as Reformation Sunday, Lessons & Carols at Christmas, Easter or our Spring Concert.

Bell Choirs

Tween Bell Choir

Children from 3rd or 4th Grade to 6th Grade. The Tween Bell Choir rehearses 30 minutes weekly from September to May and rings once a month during the 9:30am Sunday Worship Service the same day as the Tween Choir.

Adult Bell Choir

The Adult Bell Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings, 7:00pm-8:00pm from September to mid-May. The Adult Bell Choir rings monthly at the 9:30am Sunday Worship Service and special performances as determined by the Director of Music

Support our Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Want to support our music program?

Your financial contributions can go specifically towards the music program at LCOS. You can even specify what exactly you wish to support, such as the purchase of a new choir anthem, guest instrumentalists, a specific event such as Lessons & Carols or Easter Sunday, or instrument maintenance. Donate through your church envelope or Simply Giving.