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9:30am Watch Online or in person.


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God’s Work. Our Hands.

General Fund

Offerings help LCOS do God’s work in the world by supporting ministries both locally and abroad.  In addition to supporting the operations and ministries of LCOS, we send 10% of our Offering income to the NJ Synod for Mission Support, half of which the synod sends to the ELCA national body.  To learn more about these areas of ministry, visit elca.org and njsynod.org.

Several methods of giving are available


Weekly Envelopes

Place offering envelopes in the offering plates during worship services.

Online Bill Pay

If you pay bills electronically, simply add LCOS to those bills you pay online.

US. Postal Service

Place offering envelopes in a mailing envelope and mail it to the church.

Mobile Online Giving

Use your cell phone to access the QR code found in The Messenger, in worship bulletins, and on cards in the pews.

Automatic Withdrawal through Simply Giving

Click on the Simply Giving link to set up an account.  Electronic giving helps you to give consistently throughout the year and gives the church a consistent monthly income.

Special Offerings

Envelopes in the offering envelope boxes allow donations to be given to Benevolences, a World Missionary, World Hunger, Social Ministry Projects, Special Music Programs, and the Major Repair Fund.

Memorial Gifts Fund

Do you want to leave a legacy of faithful stewardship to your Church for future generations?  Through your Estate plans, a gift to the Memorial Gifts Fund provides an opportunity to provide extraordinary mission funding for generations to come through the Endowment Fund, where your gift will be invested and the earnings will support the Church’s work that is outside of the annual budget.  Special gifts may also be restricted for ministry areas that are important to you such as ministerial education, college scholarships for the most needy, building capital improvements and others.

Do you want to provide a gift in memory or in honor of someone special in your life or help build the Endowment Fund through annual gifts?  Your gift will be used for extraordinary mission support in areas such as community outreach; youth mission trips, choir needs, missionary support and seminary internships.

To give to the Memorial Gifts Fund, please contact the Pastor or a member of the Memorial Gifs Fund Board of Trustees.

Stewardship Video