Worship With Us

8am In person.
9:30am Watch Online or in person.

Sisters in Spirit collecting gently used children’s books in April

Start gathering the children’s books you’ve been hoping to get rid of. BookSmiles, a Pennsauken-based organization, will distribute those books to children who don’t have any at home and to teachers who desperately need books for their classroom be-cause their school district doesn’t have the funds to provide them. Cherry Hill resident and former teacher Larry Abrams started collecting books in his garage in 2017 to support families unable to give their children books. His effort grew during the pandemic, so that today BookSmiles, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has given away over one million new and gently used books throughout the Delaware Valley. Please put your books in the white bin in the collection area outside of Parish Hall designated with our yellow sign. Don’t have gently used books to donate? They accept new books, too!

Thank you for your February food donations!

Sending out a big thank you to all who donated to our recent SIS food drive for the pantries at Our Savior and Bridge of Peace Churches. The shopping cart and collection bins were full, to overflowing each week in February and into March. The two food pantries and those they serve are very grateful! The dedicated food drive may be over, but don’t forget that both food pantries need food all year round. A shopping cart and bins for both are located outside the church office on the lower level. Remember, hunger has no season.

Plan to join Sisters in Spirit for dinner out on Friday, May 10, 6:30 p.m., Tutti Toscani, 1491 Brace Rd, Cherry Hill.

It’s not too early to mark your calendar and RSVP to Deb Tredinnick (dtredinnick@yahoo.com). Join us for this last event of the 2023-24 program year. All LCOS women welcome!

Linda Nelson