Worship With Us

8am In person.
9:30am Watch Online or in person.

Please join us on Sunday, January 19th as we greet Ronald Mcneill, Development & Marketing Manager for Joseph’s House in Camden. Joseph’s House provides food, shelter, and other case management services to unhoused men and women in Camden. The Social Ministry Committee is excited to have Joseph’s House as a new mission partner, and we invite you to learn how our LCOS community can best support our neighbors in Camden.

Gabby Berrios

Holiday Food Drive 2024

Thank you to all who donated holiday food bags or made monetary donations. This year’s Holiday Food Drive benefited the Peace Center at Bridge of Peace Lutheran Church in Camden, a ministry to the poor and homeless in Camden, and the LCOS Pantry families. This year, a total of 53 bags of food were delivered to Bridge of Peace, and 12 food bags to LCOS Pantry families.

Monetary donations are still welcome. They will be divided between the Peace Center at Bridge of Peace and the LCOS Pantry. Anyone wishing to make a monetary donation, please make checks payable to LCOS, and indicate Holiday Food Drive in memo line and mail to the church at 204 Wayne Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ 08033. Donations for the Holiday Food Drive can also be made online thru Simply Giving at http://oursaviorhaddonfield.org/simply-giving/. Go to link to donate to the Holiday Food Drive. Contact Betsy Kuehn at 856-429-3355 or betsy406@comcast.net with questions.

As of 12/13/24, a total of $1272.15 in donations were received for the Holiday Food Drive, which will be divided between the Peace Center at Bridge of Peace and the LCOS Pantry. Thank you to all for your generosity.

-Betsy Kuehn

God Bless LCOS Angels—Advent Giving Tree 2024 Update

“I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least of these, you did it for me.”

Matthew 25:40

Once again, the people of Our Savior have put their faith into action with their generosity. A huge thank you and well done from the Social Ministry Committee to everyone who took Advent Giving Tree tags in-person at church or thru the online registry, and bought the gifts or gift cards or donated money to purchase gifts or gift cards. We started with 82 tags, all tags were taken. Also, as of 12/13/24, $715.00 was contributed so far to the Advent Giving Tree fund. The gifts are given to children, teenagers, young adults, adults and families through the following organizations:

  • Urban Promise – provides Christian outreach and education programs for children and youth of Camden.
  • Caring Hearts Ministry – provides support for individuals with HIV/AIDS and their families.
  • Pantry Families – families in our area who are regularly provided with groceries from the LCOS pantry.

You can still contribute to the Advent Giving Tree project. There are two ways to contribute:

Mail a check made payable to “LCOS” with “ADVENT GIVING TREE” in the memo line to 204 Wayne Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.

Make an online donation through the Simply Giving app on our website http://oursaviorhaddonfield.org/simply-giving. Indicate your gift is for the ADVENT GIVING TREE in the Outreach section of the page.

-Betsy Kuehn