Worship With Us

8am In person.
9:30am Watch Online or in person.

  • Principle #1: Respond Gratefully
  • Principle #2: Give Responsibly
  • Principle #3: Sacrifice Proportionally
  • Principle #4: Live Genuinely
  • Principle #5: Juggle Your Pocketbook and Your Heart
  • Principle #6: Give Willingly of Time, Talent, Treasure
  • Principle #7: Contribute Regularly
  • Principle #8: Commit Intentionally

When faced with reminders from our church that it’s time to start thinking about your giving for the coming year, how do you respond? Do you see it as an inconvenience or bother? An imposition? A task to be shoved aside? Perhaps you’re one who doesn’t see the need for even thinking about how much you’ll give because you automatically put the same numbers down on the Stewardship response form every year.

Imagine how different committing intentionally would be if we flipped our attitude and thought not about how unpleasant it is to plan our giving, but instead considered how blessed we are to be able to give. We have been on the receiving end of God’s blessings every day, and now we have the opportunity to show in an intentional way how thankful we are. Jesus gave his all so that we can have eternal life. What a blessing it is to realize that here is a way for us to respond! We can never repay the cost of God’s sacrifice of his Son, but in our own small way, we can commit to giving intentionally to carry on God’s work in the world. Whether our financial resources are great or small, we can start considering now how we can be intentional in our giving next year.

Our Savior’s 2025 Stewardship Campaign will kick off on Sunday, October 27 and conclude on November 17. Will you be ready?

And don’t forget: If your giving has fallen behind over the summer, it’s time to catch up so that Our Savior meets its goal of being able to give more than the 5% we pledged for this year to the ELCA’S NJ Synod Mission Support. Help us grow that percentage so that we’re back up to the 10% that the Haddonfield Lutheran Church of Our Savior has always offered.

Thank you! Congregation Resources Committee

Paul wrote, “…arrange in advance for this bountiful gift that you have promised.”

2 Corinthians 9: 5