Worship With Us

8am In person.
9:30am Watch Online or in person.

Pastor's Welcome

Welcome to The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Haddonfield!

We were hoping you would stop by for a visit.

As you surf our ever-reforming site we hope you discover what is at the core of our mission and ministry; we are an evangelical faith community.

And what that really means is we are a faith community whose mission and ministry is all about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us in both word and deed since the true origin of the word “evangelical” means “good news sharing.” We understand ourselves to be a community bound together by God’s mission, growing in faith and understanding, so that we may reflect God’s love and mercy to others. We are a congregation that values forgiveness, giving to the needs of others, and deepening our relationship with God and Christ and thereby modeling that to our children all while creating a greater sense of community among those who gather for worship, study, and serving our Lord and our neighbors.

After checking us out online, we welcome you to check out our worship experience on Sunday mornings or service or fellowship opportunities anytime during the year. Until then may God bless you in your journey of life and faith.

Pastor Wayne