Why We Worship
People who are aware of their relationship with God have always felt the need to respond to God’s love and mercy, whether through prayer, or song or some other act of devotion. When we speak of worship, we mean the assembly of the people of God in communal prayer, praise, and thanksgiving, guided by God’s Holy Word and Sacraments, which is why Holy Communion is offered weekly at each worship time.
Sunday Worship Times & Styles
8:00am Classic Lutheran Worship
Classic Lutheran worship liturgy from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book with hymns led predominantly by a pipe organ.
9:00-9:20am Reflections Project
During the months of July and August the 9:30 Reflections Worship held in the parlor will be suspended to provide the opportunity for a pilot project that may suit the worship needs of participants better. Pastor Wayne will facilitate the Reflections discussion of the day’s sermon text from 9:00-9:20. This is the same amount of time Reflections worshipers have traditionally had to talk about the scripture reading and how it applies to their discipleship in daily living. The 9:00-9:20 time slot will allow for 8:00 worshipers to remain after and discuss what they heard in Pastor Wayne’s sermon and those attending the 9:30 worship get a “preview” of what will be experienced at the 9:30 Sanctuary worship. The discussion will also have Zoom capability for those unable to attend in person. Since moving the 10:30 Sanctuary Worship to 9:30 in September of 2022 the Reflections Worship has been predominantly self-led by participants from slides prepared by Pastor Wayne. The decision to begin Reflections Worship in the Parlor simultaneously with the Sanctuary Worship was a compromise from a later worship time when most of the worshipers said would be prohibitive. Regular Reflections worshipers have shared the importance for this form of worship in their faith life, but the lack of pastoral facilitation of the discussion has been a concern. The Worship and Music Committee will discuss the feedback of this project at their August meeting to determine if it should be extended for the remainder of the year.
9:30am Classic Lutheran Worship
Classic Lutheran worship liturgy like the 8:00 worship with the addition of choir anthems by the Adult Choir each week and one of the other six choirs most weeks from September through May. Children aged 4 to Grade 6 attend Sunday school classes before joining families in sanctuary worship for the Meal and Sending portion of worship. Blessing services for children are held during this worship time that celebrates various milestones in a child’s faith formation (see Faith Stepping Stones in the Grow section for more details on this ministry).
Worship Assistants
Worship and Music Committee
oversees the coordination of worship activities. The Worship and Music subcommittees include Acolytes, Altar Guild, Music, Ushers, and Sunday School when there are special events. The committee meets monthly to ensure that everyone is informed of upcoming events and any changes to the routine services. The main goal of the meeting is to coordinate everyone’s responsibilities to ensure the worship experience is meaningful for the congregation.
The Worship and Music Committee meets on the first Sunday of every month immediately following the 9:30 Worship Service September-June. If you are interested in learning more or want to get involved let us know by calling the Parish Administrator at 856-429-5122 or by email.
Communion Assistants
aid the Pastor in distributing communion.
Lay Reader
reads the First and Second Lessons during the worship service.
Holy Days
Three worship times are available to celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord. All worship times include Holy Communion and candlelight singing of “Silent Night” and the incorporation of many carols sung in lieu of portions of the traditional liturgy.
3:00pm & 5:00pm Family Worship
This worship time features anthems by the Cherub and Children’s Choirs as well as all children in attendance welcomed to the front for a special Children’s Message.
8:00pm Traditional/Youth Worship
The Youth Choir and Bell Choir are the featured choir at this service and returning college students are invited to join them in singing familiar anthems if they choose. The Pastor delivers the Christmas Message from the pulpit or aisle.
10:00pm Classic “Midnight” Worship
The Adult Choir and Bell Choir are the featured choirs at this service with the Christmas Message preached from the pulpit or aisle. While it does not begin at midnight it is often referred to as the Midnight Mass or Midnight Service by many.
Maundy Thursday
Focuses on Jesus’ new command (mandate) to love one another and institution of the Lord’s Supper on the night of his betrayal. Absolution by laying on of hands and stripping of the altar at the end of worship are also highlights of this worship.
Worship time:
- 7:00 PM: Worship music is led by organ or piano with Holy Communion being received while kneeling at the communion rail. The Adult Choir provides the anthem.
Good Friday Tenebrae
This 7:00 PM “service of shadows” places extreme emphasis on the cross of Christ and is marked by a somber tone. Lights are dimmed as the candles representing Christ’s last words are extinguished and the congregation again leaves the worship in silent and meditative reflection.
The Resurrection of Our Lord (8:00, 9:30, & 11:00)
All three worship offerings are identical with Holy Communion offered at all three. The alleluia of song returns to the liturgy and hymnody after a long absence during Lent. Those attending the 8:00 worship also participate in a brief component of the Vigil of Easter worship where the light of Christ symbolized as the Christ Candle enters our lives at the beginning of this worship.