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Youth Ministry

Confirmation Youth Ministry

Confirmation Youth Ministry

Eighth graders who have completed the two year course of catechetical instruction participate in the Affirmation of Baptism (confirmation) service during the 10:30 worship. The goal of the program is to enable teens to discern how they will live as faithful Christian disciples in the context of their regular daily lives. In order to accomplish this goal the program utilizes a three-pronged approach.

Integrated into the rotation of these three events is the Small Group Guide Huddle where parents volunteering to serve as Guides gather with the Pastor to share their highs and lows of their lives, pray for one another, and discuss how that year’s program can be improved.

Learn Events

Utilizing Head to the Heart curricula created by Faith Inkubators Learn Events held every other week from September through May that focus on Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Topics covered in the two years include The Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, Creed, Baptism, Holy Communion, Worship, Stewardship, and our Lutheran Heritage.

Play Events

The goal of these events is to create a community of friends within the congregation as many of the youth are in a variety of school districts. There is typically one Play event every other month.

Serve Events

As disciples are called to “serve the needs of all people following the example of Christ” the youth discover and explore how they might be God’s hands in serving others whether it is preparing a meal for a teen counseling center, packing in the church Pantry, or caroling at Christmas to shut-ins and neighbors. There are typically five Serve events in a program year or one every other month.

Oasis Youth Group

Oasis Youth Group

Oasis Youth Group is our senior high ministry here at Lutheran Church of Our Savior. We meet Sunday nights in September through May at 6:30 to 8:00pm in the youth room at the church. It is open to all 9th through 12th graders. Join us as we hangout, play games, and learn about God. When different holidays come around we will have special nights such as Costume Karaoke and Christmas Parties. We aim to have a retreat in both the Fall and Spring times where we get away for a weekend and enjoy each other’s company as we grow closer to God. To stay updated about what events are coming up like our Facebook page, Oasis Youth Group.