Worship With Us

8am In person.
9:00am Reflections Click to Join
9:30am Watch Online or in person.

This was the question asked of me by a member of a local service organization I
belong to while we were eating lunch together last week. I’m sure he didn’t mean
to offend me, but I was. The religion business? I’m the pastor of a Christian faith
community, not the CEO of a local franchise of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America religion business.From a business perspective I guess we are doing okay, maybe even marginally better than last year with worship attendance up about 2% and giving holding steady through the summer if those are true indicators of how one determines
a church in the religion business is doing well or not. I think God includes, and I know I include, more than statistical numbers of how many people are in the pews and
cash in the offering plate in assessing a congregation’s health. Don’t get me wrong. Worship attendance and per household giving are key indicators of a congregation’s spiritual health but they are not absolute nor are they exhaustive. Worship and Giving are only two of the seven faith practices the Lutheran church identifies as disciplines of
one who follows Christ. As we begin another program year at Our Savior here are some questions you and I might consider regarding your spiritual health and that of the congregation. PRAYER: What is my daily prayer life like and how can Our Savior provide opportunities for guiding and modeling for us how to pray, regular prayer groups, and people who pray with me after worship? WORSHIP: How much of a priority is it for me to gather with the faith community to keep me grounded in God’s way of life through the hearing of God’s word in scripture, song, and sermon and receive the God’s grace in the
Lord’s Supper so I can be strengthened to be God’s agent of grace the rest of the week? How well does Our Savior’s worship service provide me with what I need to do this? What could be improved, added, or removed? STUDY: How often do I take time to study God’s word in Scripture or our understanding of faith through book studies, forums, or other opportunities for lifelong learning? Do I make this a priority for my children either by having them attend Sunday school or teaching them the stories of faith at home? What can Our Savior’s Christian education ministry do to enhance or include opportunities for me to do this so that I and my family may be more competent and confident in our faith?
SERVICE: How do I volunteer at least one hour a week of my time and abilities in doing God’s work in the world through the ministry opportunities at Our Savior and if I’m not then what opportunities are there? Is there something Our Savior could begin to do that I can be instrumental in launching it? INVITE: How often do I invite people I know who do not have a church home to “Come and see” what God is doing to and through the people at Our Savior? What can Our Savior do to help me learn how to do this better and
create a more welcoming and engaging environment when guests come for the first and second time? ENCOURAGE: How often do I write, call, email, text, or Instagram a person I know who hasn’t been at worship or other ministry events that I miss them? Do I welcome or talk to people I don’t know before or after worship or at other events or only those I recognize? What can Our Savior do to better foster opportunities for nurturing relationships through fellowship? GIVING: When I consider the percentage of my time and financial resources I provide toward God’s work in the world through the ministry at Our Savior and other agencies does it reflect my relationship of trust in God and
Christ above all else? I look forward to another exciting program year beginning on Rally Sunday, September 13. I hope you will take some time to reflect on your responses to these questions and begin to consider how this year might be an opportunity
to discover just how far your faith will take you in your journey with Christ. I also challenge you to share with me and the leadership how you believe as a congregation Our Savior can greater support you in that journey. After all, we’re not in the religion business but have been called by Christ to the Great Commission of baptizing, teaching, and making disciples – those who follow Christ in all we say and do. May God’s Holy Spirit keep us faithful to that